To launch the ‘Like A Girl’ campaign in India, two years after its global release. The movement ‘Like A Girl’ was originally launched by ‘Always – the global brand name for Whisper, outside India’ in the USA and select global markets in 2014 with an aim to turn the phrase ‘like a girl’ from an insult into a term of empowerment.
The phrase 'like a girl' has been around forever and is used in derogatory ways. In the wake of India’s success at the Rio Olympics 2016, the phrase ‘Like A Girl’ went through a positive transition and ensued heartening conversations such as - “They fought #LikeAGirl” or “They played #LikeAGirl”, but it was realized that there is still a long way to go before each and every girl can do things “Like A Girl” and be proud of it. Hence, it was time that the campaign strikes remarkable synergies with this resolve in India.