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Purple is the colour of First Love


In keeping with their brand promise – 'Purple is the colour of First Love', Dairy Milk Silk was looking to target young couples around Valentine's Day, with a special limited edition pack that had purple hearts in the background and a pink ribbon. In order to create more buzz around the new pack, Cadbury Silk wanted to create an experience around the Joy of Firs love, simultaneously communicating that "colour of first love is purple" and hence Cadbury Silk the perfect gift!


SILK & THE ART OF BALANCING:  We decided to bring to life the Silk Experience and indulge the young couples in something warm and special, allowing them to discover or re-discover the Joy of love. A heart-shaped purple see-saw was put up at central locations in various malls across Mumbai. Couples had to stand on either side of the heart and try to balance and stay on it - just like balancing life. The couple who struck it right and maintained balance for the longest time won hampers from Cadbury Silk! Around the same time, the outdoor campaign burst had been successful in establishing the new limited edition pack.


The activity was concluded at 3 malls in Mumbai with over 500 couples discovering the joy of love and indulging in the Silk Experience on Valentine's Day.

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