World AIDS Day, designated on 1st December every year since 1988, is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic. NACO (National Aids Control Organization) took the initiative to unite people in the fight against HIV.
This NACO campaign sought to create a positive mindset with impactful messages targeting the population at large.
The campaign gifted HOPE through billboard and bus shelter innovations.
In keeping with the theme of Protection | Prevention | Awareness… a NACO bus shelter distributed more than 100 packs of condoms innovatively. Stuck to the front panel of the bus shelter, the condom packs formed the words, 'STOP AIDS', alongside the communication, 'CONDOM UTHAYEN. AIDS MITAYEN.'
Encouraged passers-by chose protection, thus boldly supporting the campaign.
The campaign generated positive PR, which resulted in making an effective contribution towards eradicating the stigma associated with AIDS and spreading a powerful message of awareness.
More than 500 condoms were distributed at the bus shelter.
The unique innovations carried word-of-mouth references in no time, and successfully achieved NACO's objectives.